Current Event Report: 9/24/2015

     The Kentucky County Clerk, Kim Davis, says she’s been called Hitler,a homophobe and a hypocrite all because she refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Kim Davis had this to say to ABC,in an exclusive interview on Tuesday, ”I have been called things and names that I didn’t even say when I was in the world,” Those names don’t hurt me.” Davis had tearfully said that those names don’t define her.

    Davis also had this to say,”What probably hurts me the worst,” she said, “is when someone tells me that my God does not love me or that my God is not happy with me, that I am a hypocrite of a Christian.” However,earlier this month, after the federal judge found her in contempt of court and sent her to jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples,Davis had became a political lightning rod, lionized by supporters and slammed by critics in the Rowan County, Kentucky. Davis has also stated that, issuing the licenses would violate her conscience and against her religion.

   On September 8,the judge released her from jail,also saying he was satisfied her deputies had fulfilled her office’s obligations to issue the licenses. Therefore, Kim Davis cannot interfere with the deputies of herself in issuing marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.

   To me this issue is unnecessary, because people to me have that their own issue and others should mind their own. There is no reason,i believe that Kim Davis should be called names just because she believes in something that others not might believe in. Kim Davis, business is her own business and she can do what she wants,even if others don’t agree with it. Now,this event doesn’t really affect me but I do believe that this situation is uncalled for. However, I do think that this situation does have an impact on the world.

  Some people may feel the same way as Kim Davis feels and wouldn’t want to be called those names ,at all in life because it’s disrespectful. People are reading and hearing about this situation and thinking to thereself “I don’t understand why would people would be attacking me for something I believe in, it’s my life”.

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